Thrash til' Deth wrote:
Goat wrote:
Do they care, though? Still not convinced this isn't a work of Trollery, although why MR has been blessed as opposed to, say, reddit is beyond me. Bit worried that this is actually mental illness and that we're enabling...
Enabling is a good descriptor, but wouldn't it be a hoot if he could actually sing?
That's what is so hilarious about it and what is mentioned in all those lyrics. The longer you fool yourself into doing the wrong thing to have an even better outcome, the farther into the maze you go, but as the Labyrinth symbology is, the deeper you get into the thing, the more wisdom is gained, but you are more likely to get lost.
"Find another way...gotta find another way. I want to break these chains so bad. I can't wait another day. Find another way, before we get crazy...before it's too late" (and the album hints that singing to the album was another way to find the secrets of life everyone is after and the meaning for existence because the guy in the intro seems deliriously happy doing) and the album warns you what happens when you just go too lose your sanity in the end. Do I really believe that the guy talks to an angel or whatever? I don't know. The act of making such an album and having someone guide me through life and warn me and teach me these things makes him an angel to me. But, like Icarus, I'll burn my wings to gain the knowledge to finally put an end to the madness and figure out subconsciously why I am not allowing myself to reap the rewards and just stop and do the best with what I have. Now at the end, it's obviously the right way...the painful way that seems hopeless, crazy and illogical and there was more than enough fair warning of how ill-received any of the knowledge would be until it provided results that couldn't be ignored.
I decided to stay in my own personal Hell a lot longer than anyone to make it happen. And I want to share what I have learned since singing instructors are clueless and most singers know absolutely nothing about electronics + quaternion physics in the imaginery planes of mathematics + new age or religious shit that is measurably effective + the body's electrical properties - that concretely proves the concept of it's benefit now that it's 2000 years later and I can measure a person's brainwaves as proof there is a positive benefit and a need to re-quantify these concepts if they are useful and factual.
Basically the issue is that asymmetrical resonance is the actual goal, despite that making zero sense. Parallel resonance is the same as resistance or capacitance. So, a Bone may be able to hold more charge or conduct more current the longer you do this, but my mistake was thinking you sing perfectly balanced when that is absolutely false and something really really naive I thought was the basis. Hence dozens of shitty takes when I really tried hard and out of the blue something absolutely incredible would happen. If you sit around and buzz the living fuck out of your sternum and the surrounding organs thinking that's good technique and the damn thing grows and expands and changes chemically and electrically, becomes denser and can carry MULTIPLE types of current used for singing in ways that science hasn't begun to understand, but it's obviously measurably and applicable. Now multiple that by every every useful semiconductor in a prescribed way and you have singing that is something that a far more evolved species might have and you gain the benefits of this as well physically and can think and move faster and your actual chemical brain makeup adapts and it's like being on speed or something. It's no secret that converting some bone density into a crystal lattice is "magical" as it makes such a bone much more suitable and more versatile and simply superior to a mineral like calcium for every application. But that's another topic. These guys think and act like they are constantly either in a hypnomanic state, on psychostimulants or exhibit "schizophrenic" concepts such as an acoustic amplifier being anagolus
And Mental Illness? Are Yogis that practice kundalini or the Chinese who practice bone compression techniques mentally I'll for believing in the "spiritual" aspects of it that are scientifically proven. Science just doesn't have an answer for why, since that's not their problem to answer.
Of course, whenever I bring the science up, it is dismissed despite measurements proving it to be factual and real physical phenomena.
You can call it bullshit if you want, but over the last 20 years, man was promised a new future - for reality to become what we dreamed. It's arrived and if you can't read a book, then fuck off and go back to the 1800's concept of science being an alternative dogma to monotheistic archetypes and stop denouncing shit that anyone can prove, but a University can not touch if they wanted to research it due to the lack of development of any scientific field that would upset the status quo in any huge way. But it's happening any way. For every fake Yoga studio to prove how dumb ancient religion was - there's a Tool album that will come out giving you instructions on how to enter altered states without drugs and gain real awareness that isn't based on the typical psychological characteristics of the chemical function of a substance that actually leaves you in a negative state perpetually once it's chemical effect ceases. In other words, you gain insights and learn things with a more able mind that you get to keep forever and can always go back to to work more on it. Not delusional artsy fartsy shit that may cause significant damage to your concepts of wisdom. I always thought that acid was good at creating a fake reality full of bullshit that is really convincing - so I never did it. I'll take actual insight based on research and critical thinking.
Look, when I was a kid and a teenager, I noticed I could hit really high and really low notes, moreso than anyone around, with zero training at all. So when I found a kind of music that was beneficial to me personally in a very profound way - going from the hard atheist who laughs at anything that even hints at kookery as being an emotional crutch and for stupid people who don't understand facts, to being shown a little bit of what they were saying. I was convinced and now I am the person I wanted to be because some really bright people packaged it in the right way and made me understand that we are dealing with science here that has extremely pragmatic benefits that I was already benefiting from in a very small way and wanted to know what their views and opinions were and how they discovered what they did. I mean, do people really want to act like Tobias Sammet never experienced some sort of spiritual awakening which, according to the lyrics, were the result of previous metal bands telling him about it and it being profound even if contradictory to his preconceptions?
If you don't like the narrative I think tells a great story, that the great spiritual leaders (or even alien hybrids, if you want) decided to incarnate on Earth to teach mankind his lost natural abilities that were replaced by inferior technology and to steer the smart, independent people in the direction that will re-educate mankind's ability to reap the full benefits of this planet since there is a better way to do it than ignoring any subject matter that isn't universally accepted or blindly following some religion. Rock music was about criticizing dogmatic religion, now it has moved on to criticizing total ignorance at the same time. Hasn't the whole Ayreon project itself hinted that this is the overarching theme with "the metal community" taking part in it in droves. have always taken it as a ringing endorsement of Arjen's thesis, which is the point of heavy metal in general. To learn from someone who has had your scenario and experiences in a world where we are made to feel all alone and no one could possibly begin to understand how you feel. That's the draw of metal, Like being a Jedi that can't tell people about his powers - without the religion or conformity and you have to take the criticism from everyone and be looked at as inferior and foolish and not give a fuck if anyone likes it or cares...but if you came just to hear some disposable entertainment, don't bitch and moan when you don't understand the the core concepts that all these guys seem to have figured out and why bthey are a huge success.
I've worked my ass off and have taken vocal theory and the physics and electronics of it and turned it into a physical science that actually broadens and contributes greatly to the understanding of the fields of mammal physiology, psychology (as it relates to the ability to alter consciousness and the effects of physical changes that expands and identifies new forms of energy production and will improve electronics design and function with some new concepts that I know are sitting right there waiting to be re-created out of more durable materials.
I mean, seriously. In about 10 minutes, I wrote down the physical ways energy is transferred in the body (and of course, because they physically are all different, they can be combined selectively for more complex motions and types of energy
and "wired" together with the ability to create other new forms of energy - like atoms in chemistry) and it disproves some of classical mechanics outright because you have really simple things explaining everything and this other stuff is treated like they are closed loop systems and that they work in a group, then the whole thing works. It's more complicated than that, more dynamic, and more configurable and changeable.
Welcome to the 5th dimension everyone. I'm going to explain how your body is already utilizing non-linear and dynamic energy systems (to produce movement for example) and integrates those effects to more complex physical topologies, because I have been fortunate enough to be born with a larynx that can be repositioned and the effects of say, transverse waves (the motion of the mucosa membrane on top of the already semiconductive vocal ligament (so this has three states of being - when it isn't even moving, which every linear direction of movement is another form of unique energy production - another logarithmic decade of physical interaction and effects. So being able to isolate these things and my brain and tactile sense can distinguish them and recording and analysis can quanitify it as a Sine wave to prove it actually exists, because scientists don't actually understand mass is constantly in motion and constantly produces energy and complex relationships of the motion of the mass appear and cause effects that influence everything and things multiply quickly.
This is bullshit - I actually bet my entire life on the gambit that metal singer's superiority is due to being more passionate and knowledgeable or at least more dedicated and it is treated with respect as art and the science that explains everything. We can measure why this is and why there's so much variety despite such incredibly high standards. I happen to want to tie up all the loose ends and unify singing and electronics so it can become real textbook level physics so shitty pop singers are truly disposable and music returns to being an artistic and stylistic choice. That's what hard science does. It exposes the absolute minimalist in an esoteric field as being incompetent and ignorant when the same information that mentally occurs when a natural singer processes those signals as being duplicatible with enough effort, and the whole field becomes stronger.
But no, I figure out the four fundamental properties of matter, which have yet to be combined exist in your voice in a closed system, but just a really complicated one - AND THANKS TO HEAVY METAL WE FINALLY UNDERSTAND HOW THE BASICS OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WORKS - Because fundamentally we worked together and decided we had to do it because no one else gave a shit enough about integrity to take their artform that far to make it necessary to understand physical reality that is alien, but interacts as any other matter - Metal created the need for combining 3D shit in a torus field with magentism, gravity, light, and all sorts of shit to make even more dimensions of reality a tactile reality.
If you don't think these things matter at all - look at the shit I wrote over the years in various stages of singing - That is evidence of a FAR MORE profound effect of bioelectrical flow of current has on the mental processes - yet another dead horse that's been beaten to death in the lyrics - that they have advanced to a degree of knowledge of their obsessions that the science of it is considered insane and improvable and that they are making the point that a genius like Einstein could be called a schizophrenic for claiming that he understands the interaction of light and that science doesn't want his input because they did not figure it out institutionally as the authority of what physics is - well, that's not how it works, when Einstein proved himself more capable at physics than the establishment - his ideas immediately discredited the contrary evidence - not now though - if a doctor doesn't think there's any electric current in your bones - you have a mental disorder for any suggestion that anything "unrelated" to his field could be responsible.
HEAVY METAL - AWAKENING THE WORLD - Because we actually gave a shit instead of accepting mediocrity.
Too Long? Use your brain more and information can actually become organized the moe you use it.